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rating 4.5

How Top SEO Companies Optimize Their Websites

How Top SEO Companies Optimize Their Websites

In the previous study, we created infographics based on static metrics and for websites from all niches. In this study, we decided to research a specific niche in dynamics. We looked for an answer how top websites of the niche are optimized and how many changes they made for a month.

So, we decided to start with an SEO niche. Research contains websites of SEO blogs, SEO tools, and SEO agencies. Why we choose this niche? It is interesting to know how websites that teach SEO or do SEO for others work with their own websites.

Research methodology

We chose top 100 websites that ranked by keywords like seo blog, seo tips, seo agency in the USA according to Ahrefs data and started monitoring them in Sitechecker.

However, we didn’t include some brands (Moz, Semrush, Woorank, Seobility, Seositecheckup) that have websites with much more pages than average. We also exclude our website from the sample.

Yes, there are many great SEO blogs that write perfect guides, announcements, and forecasts, but they don’t rank by keywords mentioned above and they weren’t included into the sample. However, this is not our last study. I hope in the future we will make research on top SEO websites based on 1000 websites, not 100.

So, our Site Monitoring tracked changes on chosen top 100 SEO websites from August, 1 to August, 30 daily. Now we know how many changes in meta tags and content these websites made and how their Website Score is changed in 1 month. You can view the raw data in this Google Sheet. Based on this table we built all graphs.

Before going to the infographic, please, read this legend.

how to read infographic about top seo companies

Top SEO websites by Traffic, Website Score and Page Efficiency

Let’s start with interesting facts about sites from our sample. All graphs in this paragraph are built based on measurements from August, 30.

Website Score and Traffic

Top 10 websites by Traffic have median Website Score 81 points and median monthly traffic 635k visitors.

Top 10 websites by Website Score have median Website Score 94 points and median monthly traffic 15k visitors.

top seo companies by traffic and website score

Website Score and Domain Age

Top 10 websites by Domain Age have median Website Score 83 points and median Domain Age 23 years.

Top 10 websites by Website Score have median Website Score 94 points and median Domain Age 8 years.

top seo companies by domain age and website score

Website Score and Linked Domains

Top 10 websites by Linked Domains have median Website Score 81 points and median Linked Domains 42k.

Top 10 websites by Website Score have median Website Score 94 points and median Linked Domains 2k.

top seo companies by linked domains and website score

Website Score and Page Efficiency

Top 10 websites by Page Efficiency have median Website Score 74 points and median Page Efficiency 474 monthly visitors per each page.

Top 10 websites by Website Score have median Website Score 94 points and median Page Efficiency 58 monthly visitors per each page.

top seo companies by page efficiency and website score

Website Score and number of pages in Google Index

Top 10 websites by number of pages in Google index have median Website Score 77 points and median number of pages in Google index 7500.

Top 10 websites by Website Score have median Website Score 94 points and median number of pages in Google index 345.

top seo websites by number of pages in google index and website score

Page Efficiency and number of pages in Google Index

Top 10 websites by number of pages in Google index have median Page Efficiency 8 monthly visitors per each page and median number of pages in Google index 7500.

Top 10 websites by Page Efficiency have median Page Efficiency 474 monthly visitors per each page and median number of pages in Google index 257.

top seo companies by # of pages in google index and page efficiency

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How often top SEO websites update the content

Now, let’s dive into dynamic metrics.

Website Score distribution

  • 10% of top 100 SEO websites have Website Score in a range 90-100;
  • 76% of top 100 SEO websites have Website Score in a range 50-90;
  • 11% of top 100 SEO websites have Website Score in a range 30-50;
  • 3% of top 100 SEO websites have Website Score in a range 0-30.

In 30 days 14% of websites increased their Website Score, 26% decreased their Website Score and 60% websites remained the same.

top seo companies website score distribution

Past Website Score and ∆ Website Score

Median improvement for top 10 websites by Increased Website Score is 19 points.

Median decline for top 10 websites by Decreased Website Score is 11 points.

top seo companies website score changes

Number of Total New Pages and Domain Age

Top 10 websites by number of Total New Pages have median Domain Age 15 years and median number of Total New Pages 823.

Top 10 websites by Domain Age have median Domain Age 23 years and median number of Total New Pages 33.

top seo companies domain age and total new pages

Number of Total New Pages and ∆ Google index

top seo companies google index changes and total new pages

Top 20 SEO websites by positive and negative ∆ Google index

top 20 seo companies by positive and negative delta google index

Top 20 SEO websites by positive and negative ∆ Traffic

top 20 seo companies by postive and negative delta traffic

Top 20 SEO websites by changed title and description tags

top 20 seo websites by changed titles and descriptions

Top 20 SEO websites by changed H1 tags and content

top 20 seo websites by changed h1 and content

Top 20 websites by broken pages

top 20 seo websites by broken pages

Few interesting changes top SEO websites made in 1 month

Adding new pages

One Click SEO Agency added a page about niche SEO services: real estate SEO.

oneclickagency website changes 1

HighMark SEO Agency added tag pages and images but looks like that there is issue they don’t know about. Some pages on the website refer to search pages on the tag pages. These pages have no value and links to them should be deleted.

highmarkseo website changes 1

First Page Sage SEO Agency also added an interesting niche SEO services: industrial internet of things SEO services.

firstpagesage website changes 1

It seems like Detailed has the same issues as HighMark Agency. Their links refer to unnecessary pages.

detailed website changes 1

Crevand SEO agency added new pages but some of them have content duplicates.

crevand website changes 2

Brian Dean has created Digital Templates Library and added templates in .pdf, .docx, .xlsx format. This is a great addition to his well-known Marketing Hub he created a year ago.

backlinko website changes 4

Brian keeps growing SEO Marketing Hub too, but Sitechecker detected some issues with link Ads that refer to non-existent page.  There is no hyphen at the and of URL and uppercase used in two words.

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backlinko website changes 3

Adam Enfroy keeps adding new review pages. He also uses tags to rank by high-volume keywords like coding, wordpress etc.

adamenfroy website changes 3

Here is a list of redirects to affiliate links he added in August too.

adamenfroy website changes 1

Deleting pages

Matt Diggity works on his own blog actively and deletes pages.

diggitymarketing website changes 1

Changing in Title and H1 tags

Nathan Gotch changed a Title tag on the academy page. I guess he found data in Google Search Console that many people are interested in the start date of the new course. So he decided to change the Title for increasing CTR in SERP.

gotchseo website changes 1

Brian Dean detected the typo in H1 tags and changed it. There is no space at the end of the first sentence.

backlinko website changes 1

Adam Enfroy also experiments with titles to increase CTR and keep titles relevant to the content.

adamenfroy website changes 2

Changing content

Brian Dean made a few changes in the post descriptions on the blog.

backlinko website changes 2

Changing robots.txt

Matt Diggity disallowed in robots.txt archive pages that WordPress often generates automatically.

diggitymarketing website changes 2


The changes highlighted above are a small part of all changes website owners made. Only 9 from 100 websites didn’t make any changes during the month. The research leads to the following conclusions:

  1. Old websites keep growing but, young websites make more changes. They have to move faster to become the first 🙂
  2. Most of the best websites by domain age, traffic, linked domains have good or perfect Website Score.
  3. Website owners actively work on their websites but do not notice mistakes they make during SEO work.

You will find the full infographics below. If you find this study useful share, it with your colleagues.

top seo companies rating full

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