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How to Use Website Word Count Tool

The exact length of a text is one of the most important metrics in SEO writing. It directly impacts the ranking of the web resource, influences user experience, and helps overcome competitors.

For your convenience, we prepared a step-by-step guide on how to use an online word counter.

Step 1: Insert your domain and start free trial

Signing up for the process is a simple, straightforward affair – all that’s required is your domain name and you don’t even need to provide a credit card. Even better, you can take advantage of the free trial without any paperwork or complicated steps – simply use either Google or Facebook and get going in no time.

starting free trial

Step 2: Interpreting the Webpage Word Counter results

Our tool offers a comprehensive crawling solution that can scan any website in a matter of seconds. It will report page information, content data and a detailed overview of all issues present on the respective web page. Here you can find the information about the text length words on your page. Its content, characters count, text to code ration, SERP view if also needed.

Results of the analysis

Additional Features of Page Words Count Checker

If you sign up for our free trial, we can conduct a complete audit of your website to detect any potential problems and list all the URLs associated with them. With our guidance and instructional videos, we will provide you with detailed instructions for how to resolve these identified issues. This is an incredibly helpful service that can help improve the performance and rankings.

Words count check additional features

Checking your Website Word Count is important, but you should control the technical health of the site too!

Crawl your site and find out all kind of issues that can hart your users or your website SEO.

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Cases When Website Word Counter is Needed

Website word count may appear necessary in many cases and for many people: readers, writers, SEO specialists, etc. Let’s take a look at just some of the examples.

Professional activity

Some professions require an exact check of word numbers. Translators or content writers, for instance, rely heavily on precise word counting since their income is calculated at a set rate per number of words or characters. An online counter may help to calculate it precisely.

Reading preferences

There are two main points in this dimension. On the one hand, readers value their time. The exact size of the article in words helps readers estimate the necessary time to read it. At the same time, this metric signals writers the approximate size of the text for a better reading rate.

SEO measures

Online webpage word counter greatly assists SEO specialists. When they find the page or pages with the best performance, they can estimate the exact length and use these findings for future content creation.

Moreover, the website word counter shows not only the total number of words but also the density of keywords. This is important for filling web pages with content. These changes definitely improve user experience and bring new visitors.

Competitors investigation

A word count tracker is a good tool for analyzing competitors. You can investigate the exact length and keyword usage frequency of the top links of the search result. This will help to improve your own site.

At the same time, writers can check how many words are there in the most popular articles on their respective topics. These figures show readers’ preferences and allow authors to adjust their work.

For more information on how many words a web page should have, check our recent video by Blue Compass:

As you can see, there are many reasons to use wordcount tools. And in every case, it can greatly contribute to improving results.

How to Use Web Page Word Counter Effectively

How to Use Web Page Word Counter Effectively

Word counting, especially with the help of an online tool, seems quite an easy task. But how to get the maximum of the wordcounter? Here are some tips.

Focus on keywords. You can calculate the exact number of words or characters manually, using almost any text editor. The main advantage of a specialized checker is the possibility to highlight the keywords and their density.

Use the word counter regularly. Settings and algorithms of search engines constantly change, be it Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. So do the people’s preferences in reading. Keep pace with the modern trends and tendencies to adapt your articles or web pages.

Choose the right counter. Not all checkers provide the same services. Some, for example, focus exclusively on plain text files and are not suitable for checking websites. At the same time, some online word calculators also work as browser extensions, making the counting process much more convenient. We also advise you to verify whether there is a free trial to test the tool.

Content length is crucial for SEO. Search engines consider longer texts as more trustworthy. Moreover, the longer the text is, the more clues appear to determine what it is about. Short articles may also be interpreted as thin content. Furthermore, in the longer text (given it is optimized), there are more keywords and, consequently, a higher ranking in SERP. However, do not overextend the content. People do not always read too long texts to the end. This may cause damage to the site’s overall performance.
The web page should also contain relevant and unique content, be well-structured, and exclude mistakes or misprints for better ranking. Another important quality is loading speed: the faster, the better. Finally, images foster optimization too.

What users are saying

Data supplied as of 04/24/2024
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