In this guide I will share the best Google Ads Looker Studio templates with details why I think that specific is good and what makes such template unique. You also can check my list of best Google Search Console Looker Studio templates and Google Analytics 4 Looker Studio templates.
But remember, that I listed here only the templates that I have found in the internet and I decided they can be useful for you, but I know there exist many valuable templates that aren’t public. Many experienced marketers and PPC specialists create templates to solve own problems and don’t share it in the web.
1. My Google Ads Looker Studio template
Price: $199
This is my Google Ads Looker Studio template.This report saves a lot of time during everyday work with Google Ads performance data.

The template consist of 6 pages:
- General dashboard;
- Campaign insights;
- Search keyword insights;
- Search term insights;
- Final URL insights;
- Country insights.
It doesn’t have a great UI, but my focus was on creating core value. Creating it I just tried to answer my own questions that I couldn’t find in native Google Ads interface.
The most valuable features in this template:
1. Comprehensive dashboard with core Google Ads performance metrics.

2. Cross-filtering designed specifically for each type of insights.

3. The dynamics by the most important performance and competition metrics.

4. The table with performance by keywords sorted by date from today and to the past, and overall performance by days, weeks and months.

5. The tables with performance metrics and charts to monitor dynamics of performance metrics by specific campaign, search keyword, search term, country, final URL.

Pay attention, that you can change performance metrics in the chart and pivot table.

6. The table where all search terms are grouped by final URLs.

7. Scatter charts to identify the search terms, search keywords, campaigns, countries, and final URLs with the highest potential for scaling or ones that need fixing some gaps.

You can view demo of the template here.
2. My template to blend Google Ads and Search Console
Price: $149
This Google Ads + GSC Looker Studio template helps to blend data from Google Ads search campaigns and Google Search Console performance data by search queries and landing pages. It helps to identify keywords that are converting (proof of value) and that are closest to the top 1, but not yet there (low-hanging fruits).

To simplify prioritizing I created two custom metrics in the template: Keyword Conversion Potential and Landing Page Conversion Potential. To calculate it I divide Conversions from Google Ads on the Average Position from Search Console.
You also can view demo of the template here.
3. Google Ads macro audit by Tyler Rabey
Price: FREE
This template from Tyler Rabey helps quickly identify optimization opportunities within your account. It contains only one page.

This is not meant to be the prettiest or most extensive report, but a simple tool for managers to make a real impact on their account.
4. Google Ads full report by Álex Serrano from Chartud
Price: €68
This template from Álex Serrano helps to analyze Google Ads accounts in depth using MoM and YoY comparisons. The report contains a Google Ads account selector and a Google Analytics 4 account selector, so you can use the report for different accounts with a couple of clicks.

Chartud also has a shorter version of this template that contains only 1 page for quickly analysis of core performance metrics.
5. Google Ads overview template by Giannis Stratakis from Databloo
Price: €79
This template from Giannis Stratakis has the best design among the templates. This is also important that you can use it for free without copying because the template has the Google Ads connector displayed in the report.

6. Google Ads comprehensive template from byMarketers
Price: $150
This template is designed specifically for agencies. It includes an area for the agencies logo, as well as the client logo.
The report contains 6 pages which are easily accessible via links included on the report itself. There is no need to access Looker Studio’s menu bar. The 6 pages include comprehensive information regarding the Google Ads campaign, including landing page and competitor reports.

7. 34 templates from Looker Studio team
Price: FREE
Looker Studio gallery has 34 free Google Ads templates from Looker Studio team. Some of them have a great design, unique data visualization solutions and useful tips on how to use it.

For example the template to monitor CPA and ROAS on account and campaign level.

That’s it. You also can check my guide about best Google Ads Looker Studio templates on LinkedIn. If you know a really great template that I should add to this list, please write me via LinkedIn or Twitter.