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What is Amazon Ranking: Tips for SEO Improving

What is Amazon Ranking: Tips for SEO Improving

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Amazon ranking refers to the position an item holds in Amazon’s product search results, which is determined by Amazon’s A9 algorithm. This algorithm considers various factors such as the relevance of search keywords in the product title and description, sales performance, competitive pricing, customer reviews, ratings, product availability, shipping options, and advertising and promotions.

In addition, there’s the Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR), a ranking system for all items within a specific category or sub-category, which shows how well an item is selling compared to others in the same category.

The ranking of products on Amazon is calculated by a complex algorithm that considers a variety of factors. These factors may include:

  1. Sales volume. Products that sell more frequently tend to rank higher in Amazon’s search results.
  2. Customer reviews. Both the number and the overall quality of reviews can affect an item’s Amazon ranking.
  3. Price. Pricing competitively can help increase your product’s visibility.
  4. Product listing quality. Good descriptions, high-quality images, and accurate category listings can improve your item’s ranking.
  5. Fulfillment method. The marketplace tends to favor items that use its fulfillment service, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
  6. Advertising and promotional activities. Using Amazon’s advertising services can help boost the visibility of the item and improve its ranking.

To estimate the sales of a product based on its Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR), there are some third-party tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, AMZScout, etc.

These tools use historical sales data to estimate current sales, but these are estimates and not exact numbers.

The lower the BSR, the better the product is selling. It’s important to note that the ranking algorithm is sophisticated and not entirely disclosed to the public, meaning that optimizing for higher ranking can be a complex task that requires a comprehensive approach accounting for all these factors and more.

Let’s figure out how to improve your Amazon ranking and increase profitability easily.

How to Improve Amazon Search Engine Optimization

Understanding Amazon SEO is vital for your product’s visibility.

SEO is all about optimizing your product listings to climb higher in Amazon’s search results. The objective here is to make your item more visible, compelling, and, more importantly, easy to buy.

Key Factors Amazon SEO

Starting with keyword research – the backbone of any SEO practice. Your mission is to identify the exact keywords your target audience is using to search for your items on the platform. These critical keywords should be woven seamlessly into your product listing, including the title, description, and backend keywords.

There’s a plethora of tools you can use to streamline your Amazon keyword research, so make sure to take advantage of them.

Your product title is your first impression, so make it count. It should be rich in details and highly descriptive, covering aspects such as brand, production line, material, key feature, type, color, size, and packaging or quantity. And, of course, it’s the perfect spot for your primary keyword.

Your bullet points, and description, are where you sell the dream. Highlight the key features and benefits of your product and, again, incorporate relevant keywords. Be wary, though, of keyword stuffing. It can damage readability and spoil the user experience.

Backend keywords are your secret weapon. The platform allows you to add keywords that aren’t visible to customers but are indexed by its search algorithm. They are the ideal place to put synonyms, abbreviations, and alternate names that customers might use in their search.

Customer reviews and ratings are the lifeblood of your Amazon SEO. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and ratings, as they can substantially boost your product’s visibility and click-through rate. It’s no secret that items with higher ratings and more reviews often enjoy better rankings.

Visual appeal also plays a significant role. High-quality images can enhance click-through rates and conversion rates, providing a substantial lift to your product ranking.

The price and availability of your item can’t be overlooked either. A competitive price tag and consistent stock can dramatically improve your product ranking.

Your fulfillment method can also impact your product’s position in the Amazon SERPs. Items fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) usually find favor with the ranking algorithm.

Lastly, consider Amazon’s advertising services to increase items’ visibility and sales, which can influence your organic rankings.

Remember, at the heart of Amazon’s PPC tools complex algorithm is a simple goal – maximizing customer revenue. Consequently, the algorithm is tailored to showcase items most likely to be purchased by customers. The more your product listing aligns with this goal, the higher it will ascend in the rankings.

Challenges About Amazon Ranking and Knowing How to Navigate Them

There are several hurdles that can trip up even the most seasoned Amazon sellers when it comes to SEO.

Let’s delve into some of these common challenges and how to adeptly navigate them.

Inadequate keyword research

Not having the right keywords can be tantamount to shouting into the void.

Arm yourself with keyword research tools designed for Amazon to rank in on those high-volume, relevant keywords that your audience is actively using. It's about getting into your potential buyer's mind and predicting their search behavior.

Ineffective product titles

A bland or confusing title can swiftly deter potential customers and leave your search rankings in the dust.

Your title should be a tantalizing snapshot of your offering, containing the brand, type, key features, and primary keyword. But remember, keyword stuffing is a big no-no—it can scare off customers and may breach Amazon's guidelines.

Low-quality product images

Trust me when I say, nothing sinks click-through and conversion rates faster than a blurry or misleading image.

High-quality, professional images are your friend here. Show off your item from various angles, and comply with Amazon's product image guidelines for size and quality.

Negative reviews and ratings

Poor ratings can hamstring your product’s visibility and click-through rate faster than you can say “one-star review”.

Address this by providing top-tier customer service and dealing with issues promptly. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, and consider using automated email follow-ups to request reviews after purchase.

Stock availability

Frequent “out of stock” status can damage your product ranking and disappoint customers.

The solution lies in consistent inventory management. Use Amazon's inventory forecasting tools to predict demand accurately and maintain healthy stock levels.

Inadequate product description

This can lead to a high return rate and low conversion rates.

Craft a detailed and compelling description that sings the praises of your product's features and benefits. Break it down into easily digestible bullet points and sprinkle relevant keywords throughout, but keep it natural.

Overlooking Amazon’s advertising tools

Ignoring these tools is like leaving money on the table.

Leverage services like Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands to increase your product's visibility and increase your organic rankings
SEO isn’t a one-off chore but a continual commitment. Stay vigilant, monitor your product listing performance, and don’t hesitate to adjust your sails as needed. By taming these common Amazon SEO beasts, you can improve your product listings to new levels.


Amazon ranking, governed by the A9 algorithm, significantly influences your product’s visibility and success. Amazon SEO is necessary for optimizing this ranking, with strategies ranging from keyword research to leveraging Amazon’s advertising services. However, sellers often face challenges such as inadequate keyword research, ineffective titles, negative reviews, and inventory issues.

By staying vigilant, monitoring product performance, and continually adjusting your strategies, you can overcome these hurdles and improve your rankings. It’s a complex yet rewarding process that demands continuous learning and adaptability.

A good ranking on Amazon means your product appears on the first page of search results for relevant keywords. This typically requires being in the top 10–20 results, depending on the product category.
Maintaining a high ranking requires continuous optimization. This includes maintaining good sales performance, optimizing product listings with relevant keywords, regularly updating item images and descriptions, managing stock levels, encouraging positive customer reviews, and using Amazon's advertising tools.
The ranking works based on an algorithm called A9. It considers various factors such as sales performance, customer reviews, price, availability, product listing quality (including the use of keywords), advertising on Amazon, and fulfillment method to determine the relevance of an item to a specific search query.
It involves optimizing your product listings (including title, descriptions, and images), using relevant keywords, maintaining competitive pricing, ensuring product availability, collecting positive customer reviews, achieving consistent sales, and using Amazon advertising services.
You can find your items’ ranking on the marketplace by checking the 'Product Details' section of your Amazon product page. This includes the Best Sellers Rank, which shows your item’s popularity within its category.
To improve your keyword ranking, first, perform thorough keyword research to identify high-volume, relevant keywords. Then, incorporate these keywords into your product title, descriptions, bullet points, and backend search terms. But avoid keyword stuffing, as this can negatively impact the user experience and potentially violate Amazon's guidelines.
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