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Page Has Links to Redirect Issue

Page Has Links to Redirect Issue

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If a page has internal and external outgoing links to redirecting URLs, it’s returning 3xx (301, 302, etc.) HTTP status codes standing for redirection. This issue means that the page does not exist on a permanent or temporary basis.

What Does “Page Has Links to Redirect Issue” Mean?

Redirect links are supposed to inform the visitors that the URL doesn’t exist and lead them to the page’s new location. When the issue occurs, it means that the URL redirects to the old web page. So the visitors can’t access either of them.

You can find more details about redirecting URLs by reading the Google Search Central overview. It includes instructions on how to implement temporary and permanent redirects correctly.

To learn more about processing 301 redirects, watch the Google webmasters’ video tutorial.

What Triggers This Issue?

It’s usually better not to change your website’s URL since it causes additional complications for the users. But in some cases, you can’t avoid changing the page’s location. The issue occurs if there was a mistake in URL redirect implementation. After the change, one or several links from your web page may redirect to another unwanted URL.

How to Check the Issue?

Before making any changes, check both the internal and external outlinks to 3xx in corresponding columns. The external outlinks should lead to the relevant web page. The problem may also be caused by the browser you use to access the website. So check the browser’s privacy settings. Clear your data and cookies, then try to access the problem URL once again.

To make sure, you haven’t missed any links to redirecting URL, use Sitechecker. Audit your site and find all issued pages.

Page Has Links to 3xx

Then check all links from the specific page and their status codes.

Redirected Links on Page

Why is This Important?

Redirect issues limit access to your website and slow down the page loading. It may cause inconvenience and confuse visitors. That’s why it’s always better to prevent unnecessary redirections and link to the desired URL immediately. But the primer goal is to make sure that the link is not pointing users to the wrong site.

Checking if Page has links to redirect is important, so don't miss any URLs!

Make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO.

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How to Fix the Issue?

So what can you do to fix the redirect issue? Here are a few options:

  • Replace all internal and external outlinks with direct links to the appropriate URL.
  • Make sure that the outgoing redirect leads visitors to the appropriate web page which is accessible.
  • If you experience a problem with constant redirects to multiple URLs, edit the original URL.
Fast Links

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