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How to Fix URLs with Multiple H1 Tags

How to Fix URLs with Multiple H1 Tags

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Multiple h1 tags means that you have more than one h1 tag on the page. While a page can have multiple h2, h3, h4, or other heading tags, it’s important to only have one h1.

Why it is Important

The headings used to organize content in the body of an HTML document have different hierarchical levels, starting with the least important (h6) and ending with the most important (h1). Each of these headings corresponds to a specific section of the document and is typically formatted in a style that allows distinguishing visually between headings of different levels. The h1 heading is typically formatted with the largest font size.

Headings can be viewed as elements of a document’s outline. In this case, the h1 tag corresponds to the article’s title, h2 headings represent top-level chapters or content sections, and headings of lower levels are sub-chapters or sub-sections.

Having just one h1 heading per article is important because it makes it easier both for humans and search engines to identify the hierarchy of the content but also because the importance of the keywords wouldn’t be diminished due to excessive content in h1 tags.

Matt Cutts, the Former Head of the Webspam Team at Google

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How to Check the Issue

Look into the source code of your HTML document with this simple tool at

Alternatively, use the in-built browser tools with similar functionality – in Google Chrome, one can do this by right-clicking on a blank region or text and choosing “View page source.”

In the source code, look for text flanked by <h1> – the latter designates h1 headings.

Another method to monitor pages with multiple H1 tags is by using Sitechecker. This service will scan your site and identify all the impacted pages.

More Than One H1

You’ll then have access to a comprehensive list of these pages, along with their source code.

Multiple H1 Pages List

How to Fix the Issue

Make sure you leave only one h1 tag – the simplest way to do this might be to convert h1’s into h2’s.

Check your website for multiple H1 tags

Audit your website to detect whether pages have two and more H1 tags

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