AMP Page URL is Error (5XX)

AMP Page URL is Error (5XX)

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The notification of AMP server error (5XX) means that the URL of your page is experiencing a server error, and the search engine cannot access the requested website.

What Does “AMP Page URL is Error (5XX)” Mean?

If your AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) URL happens to report server issues, it means that you need to find the solution as soon as possible. This is a critical problem that may affect whether your webpage is stopped from rendering. The pages’ availability for search engine users is also at risk.

Google Search Console Help summarizes potential AMP issues, where 5XX error is reported as a server problem that occurs when requesting the AMP page.

In this post, we provide a brief guide on why this issue happens, why it’s important, how to check it, and finally, how it can be fixed.

What triggers this issue?

5XX errors happen to the server, not to the URL or the web page. The AMP web page or even the whole website can stop rendering if there is a mistake in the CSS code. So it’s always a good idea to save previous versions of your code and in case of an error, return to the beginning.

The error may also be due to setup failures, information inconsistencies, version incompatibilities, or template errors in the code.

How to check the issue?

If the problem occurs, the URL reports an internal server error (500). The Search Console may report that your AMP has a 5XX issue while the page is fully accessible. But even if the page response is normal, you may still be dealing with a server error, maybe even more complex than you could have expected.

Checking AMP Page URL being Error (5XX) is important but not enough to rank good enough!

Check not only the issue but make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO.

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For more information, you can watch a video tutorial on monitoring AMP status reports in Search Control by Google Search Central.

Also, you can use our tool to detect any AMP issues and errors.

Why is this important?

A 5XX server error is a critical issue that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may affect the page’s accessibility and interfere with search traffic. If the AMP doesn’t have proper indexing, neither users nor search engines can visit the page.

In some cases, your AMP is still visible in the browser. It means that the server error needs further investigation. You will have to drill into the problem and find the solution.

How to fix the issue?

In regular cases, you will need to ensure that tag redirects you to the appropriate AMP page. But if you don’t experience any troubles visiting your website and still get reports about the error, the problem may be hidden. An unresponsive server usually shows up irregularly and alerts about an unnaturally high level of traffic. In this case, it is better to seek the help of a developer or a server administrator.

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