Jérémy Paille French Digital Strategy Specialist, Entrepreneur and Partner at Hexagone Stratégie

Jérémy Paille French Digital Strategy Specialist, Entrepreneur and Partner at Hexagone Stratégie

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Today, we welcome Jérémy Paille, French Digital Strategy Specialist, Entrepreneur and Partner at Hexagone Stratégie french marketing agency.  Jérémy also works at a business school and university to teach digital marketing and entrepreneurship courses. Jérémy shared his experience and talked about digital marketing topics related to SEO. The interview will be interesting for those who are interested in Seo in the French market and want to provide business there.

Digital Marketing is a very interesting subject that has been of great importance for several years, so we will take this opportunity to learn more.

1. How many years of experience in digital marketing do you have?

I run my own agency specialized in Inbound Marketing called Hexagone Strategies in 2016. Before that, I was CDO in an accounting company for one year.

2. What was your way to becoming a Professor of Inbound Marketing at  IDRAC Business School(Lyon, France)?

I guess it’s thanks to an opportunity first. I met the director of the digital program one day and he asked me if it would interest me and I immediately accept his proposal. Now he is one of my biggest partners in business and also one of my very close friends.

I think my better work is when I build a global digital strategy for my client. Including SEO, Social Media, Conversion Funnel, Emailing, Advertising…

Jérémy Paille, French Digital Strategy Specialist

3. In which branch of digital marketing or SEO do you have the strongest skills?

Great question, I think my better work is when I build a global digital strategy for my client. Including SEO, Social Media, Conversion Funnel, Emailing, Advertising… Without strategy you can’t reach your goal so it’s the most important to me and I’m really focused on.

4. What your professional/scientific achievements are you proud of? 

For sure the growth of my agency. Although it always a small company, I’m proud to say I offer some jobs. I know the path is still long but it’s the first step

5. Is there any marketing or SEO blog you like most of all and why?

One of my favorites is Hubspot, our biggest software partner. You can found all you need on it.

6. What does the process of teaching your students look like, what are they more focused on?

I try to explain the Inbound Methodology in the same way I explain to my employes. Also, I think it’s very important for them to practice and not only have theories about what is Inbound… So I build a dedicated fictional case.

7. What important marketing problem did you try to solve in class?

How to build an entire strategy plan

8. What are the biggest challenges students meet during your course?  

Few hours, only 20 for totally understand Inbound, SEO, Digital Strategie… 

9. Do you have SEO experience working on US|UK|AU|CA (English-speaking) market? If yes, is there any difference between French and English-speaking SEO markets? 

Unfortunately no, but maybe one day 

10. What kind of Local SEO or Marketing opportunities do you use for regional promotion?

Google local, local backlinks

I try to explain the Inbound Methodology in the same way I explain to my employes. Also, I think it’s very important for them to practice and not only have theories about what is Inbound… So I build a dedicated fictional case.

Jérémy Paille, French Digital Strategy Specialist

11. Do you think a personal brand is important for SEO experts?

Great question. I have the same for many months but still no answer

12. What SEO or Web Marketing tactics do you think are underrated?

Backlinks (in France), Pillar page with sub-topic also

13. In your opinion, does the technical health of the website affect the ranking positions in search engines?

For sure, or at least the user experience. One impact the other

14. How do you see the future of SEO and Marketing (in 5 years)?

Too far for me, but I think the vocal SEO will arrive soon

15. What advice can you give for your students and those who are just starting their career in digital marketing?

Always be learning, asking and try, try, try.


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