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Alexa Rank Checker: Why to Check Alexa Website Ranking

Alexa Rank Checker: Why to Check Alexa Website Ranking

What is Alexa Traffic Rank?

Alexa Rank is a rating service for evaluating websites, which is based on the frequency of visits and the number of views. Website statistics are obtained from users who have installed Alexa Toolbar in their browser. The current rating of a particular web resource is determined by the ratio of attendance of this site to others. The lower the indicator – the higher the popularity of the site.

How does Alexa Rank work?

For Alexa Rank, continuous data collection is carried out, which contributes to the systematic updating of information and the movement of websites in the ranking. To easily obtain information about the sites, you can download a special toolbar.

All information is compiled on the basis of such data:

  • traffic from search;
  • the number of visits to the resource pages;
  • time spent;
  • total number of pages viewed;
  • bounce rate.

Alexa Rank checker tool features:

Now you will completely understand why do you need Alexa rank checker. Firstly, it is a great tool which provides you with data you can use for competitors analysis. It is easy to find out what amount of users visit website monthly absolutely free. One click and you will have all the needed information about your website. But what’s more?

  • Your website analysis. It is nothing more important for the website owner than knowing how much users visit their site daily. Not to lose popularity, you can monitor Alexa web ranking of your websites’ progress.
  • Competitors analysis. It is a great chance to compare your website and your competitors Alexa rank. You can categorize websites by “Global”, “Country,” and “Category” parameters. Also, you can use a similar site search to find your competitors by equal parameters.
  • Traffic analysis. You will find out easily from what countries your website gets the biggest percentage of users. Also, it is an extra opportunity to check your competitors and admit new traffic sources for your website.

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