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Your conversion rate is % according to users purchased orders.

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What Is a Conversion Calculator?

A conversion rate calculator calculates the successful sales of your marketing campaign by using a simple formula. It is certain that when you use a conversion rate calculator for marketing, you will get a rapid and accurate calculation. Not only that, but you’ll receive crucial information that could change the direction of your campaign for the better – and it’ll all be free!

It Performs the Computations for You

When you’re dealing with various campaigns, it’s difficult to keep track of the numbers. A conversion rate calculator, on the other hand, will do all of the calculations for you!

You Don’t Have to Worry about Making Costly Mistakes

You also won’t have to worry about making mistakes. Usually, if you make even the smallest arithmetic error, your entire marketing campaign will be thrown off.

In a division problem, for example, if you mistakenly switch the order of your numbers, the conversion rate will be completely incorrect. It will be significantly higher or lower than the true conversion rate, and it may steer you astray when it comes to improving your campaign.

Your online conversion rate estimator from Sitechecker can offer you fast results that will help you organize your marketing campaign more effectively.

How to use the Conversion Calculator?

Conversion is a simple procedure that anyone may perform. Calculate your conversion rate by dividing the number of changes you receive in a certain timeframe by the total number of people who accessed your website or landing page, then multiplying the result by 100%.

Step 1: Insert Data (Domain, Visitors, and Orders)

In the box, enter the total number of website visitors and the total amount of orders placed by website visitors.

conversion rate calculator page with sample numbers & high accuracy

Step 2: Results (Conversion Rate Calculator Formula)

To calculate, press the “Calculate” button. Analytics of the outcomes of your website conversions will immediately show up.

results of friendly international system calculation - to figure out how many users pay

The conversion rate math is simple: (total visitors/total conversions)* 100 percent.

To calculate the impact of raising your conversion rate on your number of reservations and total profit, use the online conversion rate calculator on our website. For further information, watch this video by Bree Kuryk.

What Is the Conversion Rate?

The conversion rate refers to the ratio of visitors to your site who complete any action that you specify to the ones who don’t. A “convert” can be almost anything depending on your business goals, although there are a few common sorts of conversions:

  • Buying goods
  • Completing and submitting a form (contact us form, lead gen form, etc.)
  • Getting in touch with your company
  • Subscribing to a paid or free subscription, such as a newsletter
  • Signing up for the website
  • Downloading software or an application (software trial, eBook, mobile app, etc.)

Assessing your conversion rate is the first step in figuring out how well your sales funnel is operating and which marketing channels are yielding the best results in terms of Return On Investment (ROI).

Cases When Conversion Rate Calculator Is Needed

You need conversion rate calculators for proper conversion rate optimization (CRO). The significance of CRO is that it allows you to minimize your customer acquisition expenses by extracting more value from the visits and users that you currently have on your website. The optimization of your conversion rate will allow you to boost revenue per visitor while also acquiring new clients and expanding your business.

Consider the following scenario: A landing page receives 2000 views in traffic per month and statistically has a conversion rate of 10%. This means that the page generates 200 conversions each month. If the conversion rate can be increased to 15% by optimizing various aspects on the page, the number of conversions created increases by 50% to 300 each month, resulting in a net gain of 50% in conversions.

A conversion rate calculator tells you where you stand so you can do what is necessary and make the right choices to get where you need to be. It gives you actionable data and points you towards success.

What Affects Your Conversion Rate?

The following six factors are known to greatly affect the conversion rate of any ecommerce:

Value Proposal

What your website provides to its visitors serves as the foundation for optimizing conversion rates. They will convert if they believe that the benefits of your products or services outweigh the expenditures they will incur.


In the event that visitors arrive at your site in search of something specific, they will swiftly scan the content for keywords, prompting you to determine the most effective method to present them.


Clarity is the ability to communicate what you want to say in a manner that prevents confusion. Make your information as clear to comprehend as you possibly can.


Anxiety is the hesitancy that experienced or inexperienced buyers have before making a purchase. A smart strategy for combating anxiety is to develop trust so that your visitors will feel safe while on your website.


The inclusion of components on your site, such as animations or enormous photos, can draw the viewer’s attention away from your primary message.


Finally, the sense of urgency causes visitors to believe that they must convert immediately. Making deals that are only available for a short time is one method you can use to build a sense of urgency.

Technical errors can harm your SEO & as result your conversion!

Don't let this happen. Crawl your site and find out all kind of issues that can hart your users or your website SEO.

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TOP 10 Tips on How to Increase Conversion Rate

In this section, we will be discussing how to increase your conversion rate. Take a look at the top 10 things you can do to boost your conversion rate:

  1. Add a Pop-Up: The overall conversion rate for all pop-ups is in the percentage range of 3.09 percent on average, according to the data. However, if you do it correctly, you will be able to achieve the top 10% of pop-ups, which have an average conversion rate of 9.28 percent on average.
  2. Limit Form Filling: Have you ever had the intention of filling out an online form, only to be deterred by the sheer number of needed fields on the page? It’s one of the most effective methods of lowering your conversion rate. Reserve space for only the most critical form fields from your form, leaving only the ones that are absolutely necessary for you to achieve your aim.
  3. Add Reviews and Testimonials: It will be nobody’s first choice to be the guinea pig for your new product. As a result, presenting testimonials and/or evaluations from previous customers can help to set their minds at ease.
  4. Eliminate Visual Distractions: Your landing page should be easy to read, concise, and simple to understand. If something isn’t absolutely necessary, don’t include it. Keep your content focused on what your visitors need to know so they can  click on the right place.
  5. Make It Easy: It is preferable not to require the completion of a whole form. Get started with a simple email address. Even if some people don’t do the whole thing, you will at least have their email addresses.
  6. Ease the Sign-Up Process: Allow people to log in using their Google, Facebook, or other social media accounts rather than creating a new profile from scratch on the site. This completely eliminates the need for a signup form and makes the process flow smoothly.
  7. Start with a Positive Message: Generic call-to-actions (CTAs), such as “Sign up” and “Start trial”, will not yield the highest conversion rates. Instead, say something like: “Yes, I’m interested in [your product].” Due to the fact that it portrays the offer in a good perspective, it is quite psychologically beneficial.
  8. Use a Live Chat Service: Many visitors are interested in your service but are unsure whether to purchase it. Their hesitation or uncertainty prevents them from taking the final step. Live chat tools, when added to your menu, are ideal for assisting people in this situation. They are simple to incorporate into any number of web pages and provide an immediate increase in conversions.
  9. Try New Offers Until You Succeed: Try a variety of various offers until you find one that resonates with your target demographic. It is possible that your target market will not respond to your first, second, or even third offer. However, if you keep testing new things and keeping note of your outcomes, you’ll eventually come up with a winner.
  10. Offer Money-Back Guarantees: Consumers are hesitant to put their money at risk unless they are reasonably certain that they will receive what they have paid for. A money-back guarantee might assist in assuaging anxieties and moving through obstacles.
A respectable conversion rate is anywhere between 2% and 5%. The issue with conversion rates is that even a half-point percent increase can make a significant difference. It is important that we point out how big brands get greater results.
Conversion uplift depends on the number of variations present.

With 1 variation: Uplift = ((conversion variation 1 / impressions variation 1) / (Conversions control / Active Targets control) -1) *100

When 2 or more variations are present in the control group: Uplift = (( 1Varcount Conversionsvariations i / 1Varcount impressionsvariations i ) / (Conversions control / Active Targets control) -1) *100

If you want to figure out your lead conversion rate, divide the total number of leads you received by the number of paying clients you have. The formula looks like this: Number of new customers / total number of leads received

What users are saying

Data supplied as of 04/24/2024
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