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Chrome Extension

for On-Page SEO

Elevate page quality and performance for any webpage. It’s free!
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100,000+ people use the Sitechecker plugin to see SEO insights right on the page
Guide how to use Sitechecker SEO extension.

Key benefits of Sitechecker Chrome SEO plugin

Business Owner


> 100,000 people use Sitechеcker every day. Try it for yourself.

Digital Agency


Check websites for more than 50 SEO parameters. Follow best web practices and boost your landing page on Google.

In-house Digital Marketer


Stop wasting time on manual checks. Analyze on-page SEO for any landing page in one click.

In-house Digital Marketer


No charges.
No subscriptions.
Valuable insights.

Use SEO Extension Like a Pro

Content optimization

Ensure that title and description meta tags are available on the page and are the right length.

Sitechecker extension: Content optimization

Targeting words

Use the keyword density tab and h1-h6 tags tab to determine whether the page contains enough keywords.

Sitechecker extension: Targeting words


Get all the details behind internal and subdomain links on the analyzed webpage. Detect broken links and redirects and conduct an audit of link anchors.

Sitechecker extension: Links

Search optimization

Test if the page is open for crawling and indexing by search engine bots. Check its canonical URL and hreflang tag implementation.

Sitechecker extension: Search optimization


Determine whether all images on the checked page have alt and title attributes. Pay attention to the highlighted nofollow and big-size images as well.

Sitechecker extension: Images

Social cards

Test the webpage for Open Graph tags to see what its link preview will look like on social media websites.

Sitechecker extension: Social cards

Google PageSpeed score

Estimate webpage load time both through mobile and desktop devices.

Sitechecker extension: Google PageSpeed score

Works with JavaScript sites and all CMS

CMS Wix logo
CMS Magento
CMS Opencart
CMS Blogger
CMS PrestaShop logo
CMS Shopify logo
CMS WordPress logo
CMS Bitrix24 logo
CMS Joomla logo
Your custom

Frequently asked questions

The extension requires access to your active tab in the browser, but this data is not sold to third parties, used or transferred for purposes unrelated to the item's core functionality, or used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes.
This error might appear if you check websites that have blocked Sitecheckerbot manually or via automatic anti-bot protection solutions.
There is no export feature in the plugin yet. To export data, click the View full report button. You’ll be redirected to an on-page SEO report inside the Sitechecker app. There, you can export a report in PDF or copy a list of issues.
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Speed up your SEO routine with the Sitechecker extension

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So, soon? Well, before you go…

Get instant on-page SEO analysis of your home page

  • Detect broken links
  • Detect issues with content optimization
  • Check PageSpeed for mobile and desktop
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You’ll get the report in 2 seconds without required signup

Já vai embora? Bem, antes de ir...

Experimente a extensão gratuita do Chrome do Sitechecker para automatizar sua rotina de SEO on-page.

  • Obtenha uma visão geral do SEO técnico
  • Verifique todos os links na página
  • Detecte problemas no conteúdo
  • Acesse métricas do GSC, palavras-chave e indexação
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Você pode usar a extensão mesmo sem criar uma conta no Sitechecker.
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